Notes of a meeting held between Terry Carter, Acting LINk Chair, Jock McLees LINk Member, Sarah Balchin (QAH), Nicky Lucey (QAH) and Allison Stratford (QAH) on Thursday 5 April 2012
following information was shared/discussed::-
formation and remit of the Link Transition Group
The Hants
G.P.’s quarterly return. The Hospital Staff are to check if this is still being
regularly undertaken. We need to know one way or the other.
The surveys
undertaken in individual Departments at QA Hospital relating to transfer of
The Link
members requested that we may see this data please.
The updated
Discharge Leaflet to which the Link made a contribution.
likelihood that the Transition Group will wish to commission an independent
survey related to Discharge/Transfer of Care matters
The newly
formulated QA Hospital Patient and Public Experience Committee to which the
Link is requested to make a nomination. This will be broader than before and
include visits by volunteers to all Wards…