Sunday, 27 May 2012

Notes of a meeting held between Terry Carter, Acting LINk Chair,  Jock McLees LINk Member, Sarah Balchin (QAH), Nicky Lucey (QAH) and Allison Stratford (QAH) on Thursday 5 April 2012

The following information was shared/discussed::-
The formation and remit of the Link Transition Group
The Hants G.P.’s quarterly return. The Hospital Staff are to check if this is still being regularly undertaken. We need to know one way or the other.
The surveys undertaken in individual Departments at QA Hospital relating to transfer of care/discharge
The Link members requested that we may see this data please.
The updated Discharge Leaflet to which the Link made a contribution.
The likelihood that the Transition Group will wish to commission an independent survey related to Discharge/Transfer of Care matters
The newly formulated QA Hospital Patient and Public Experience Committee to which the Link is requested to make a nomination. This will be broader than before and include visits by volunteers to all Wards…

Saturday, 26 May 2012

LINk Commissioning Meeting

Notes of a meeting held between the Acting Chair of Portsmouth Link and Innes Richens, N.H.S. Portsmouth on 3 May 2012 re. Commissioning  Matters.Dr Jim Hogan lead G.P.Commissioner was unable to attend.
Matters discussed;-
A number of issues keep arising without resolution.
Time availability at G.P.surgeries for patients with several health problems
Collection of data from Patient Reference Groups at G.P.’s surgeries. This is already happening in Southampton
Booking hospital appointments on-line at G.P.’s surgeries
The patient Voice  - Websites, Blogs, Questionnaires, Meetings.
Joined up thinking related to hospital discharge/transfer of care.
The need to ‘target’
Telephone conversations/recorded messages for the elderly/deaf
It was agreed to look particularly, as a start, at the amount of time allocated for consultations at G.P.’s surgeries and information related to Hospital Discharge and Transfer of Care.

Friday, 25 May 2012

LINk Chairs Meetings April 2012

Notes of  meeting held between the Cluster Link Chairs (Hampshire, Southampton, Portsmouth I of W) at Ship PCT Cluster Offices, OAKLEY Road, Southampton on Tuesday 3 April 2012.

It was agreed that the Cluster Link Chairs will meet together bi-monthly to share information and to consider any common concerns.
The following matters were discussed:-
GP’s surgeries. Out of hours recorded messages.
Booking hospital appointments on-line at G.P.’s surgeries
Representation – Groups/Individuals
Need to explain how ‘commissioning’ works to the public
Reviews of the present effectiveness of Links before the introduction of Health Watch
Elderly/Deaf and recorded telephone messages
The possibility of joint provision for membership of Trusts and Links
Where different Authorities have got to with regard to Health Watch
The time allocated for G.P.appointments, when a patient has several health problems.

The idea of a joint meeting between the Link Chairs was suggested by Debbie Fleming, CEO, Ship PCT Cluster.
She joined  the group p.m. and invited Chairs to provide her with a list of concerns re G.P.’s contracts She also spoke of how much she had valued the work of Links in the cluster.
In addition, discussion followed regarding the present position with regard to Vascular Surgery in the cluster.
Debbie will join the group on occasions.
The next meeting will be held at St.James’Hospital, Portsmouth on 12 June