Friday, 26 August 2011

Solent NHS Trust is looking for members like you…

Are you interested in healthcare? Would you like a say in your local NHS Trust?

If you answered yes to the above questions, then membership is for you.

Solent NHS Trust is your local provider of community and mental health services. Their services include health centres, children’s centres and care in people’s homes. By becoming a member you will be able to help shape local services in your area.

You can decide how involved you would like to be. You might choose to receive updates, you might like to comment on our plans and take part in events. You may even consider standing for election as Governor on our Council of Governors.

The choice is yours!

To find out more and to become a member visit

Monday, 22 August 2011

Leaving Hospital After Treatment

Many LINk Members, and associated community groups, are aware that the Portsmouth LINk is interested in the topic of Discharge from Care. Queen Alexandra Hospital has provided the Portsmouth LINk with a draft leaflet which aims to provide information on the discharge planning pathway for all patients admitted to Queen Alexandra Hospital. If you would like to make a comment about this draft leaflet please click on the following hyperlink and let us have your comments. Draft 1 Leaving Hospital Leaflet

HealthWatch Funding

Subject to the passage of the Health and Social Care Bill, the DoH (Department of Health) will allocate funding for Local HealthWatch, NHS Complaints Advocacy and (potentially) PCT Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards from October 2012. This additional funding will be added to the current DoH Learning Disabilities and Health Reform grant. A consultation is being conducted to ask for your views about options for distributing this new funding . Please note that this is a new consultation document from the DoH and responses from local authorities, LINks and others are sought by October. Please click the following hyperlink to see the relevant documentation

Monday, 15 August 2011

Statement from the Chair of Portsmouth LINk

Whilst acknowledging the reservations of some residents living close to Queen Alexandra Hospital about noise, the Portsmouth Local Involvement Network (monitoring Health and Social Care in Portsmouth) strongly supports the Trust's application to extend helicopter flying hours as a major step towards improving quick access to emergency treatment for patients for whom delay could be live-threatening.

J McLees
Chair, Portsmouth LINk Steering Group

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

SHIP HealthWatch Pathfinder Announced

SHIP HealthWatch Pathfinder Announced

Southampton, Hampshire, the Isle of Wight and Portsmouth Councils are committed to supporting the development of local HealthWatch and recently applied to the Department of Health to jointly establish a local pathfinder project to help with preparations for the new consumer watchdog for health & social care.

The aim of the pathfinder is to collectively explore a range of issues raised during the national consultation exercise, consider value for money and to give patients, service users and the public a stronger voice.

Every local authority across Hampshire and the Isle of Wight is committed to this collaborative approach and we look forward to taking part in the HealthWatch national pathfinder programme, in order to share our learning and identify good practice.

For more information check out the Department of Health website