Thursday, 29 September 2011
What are the Health and Social Care needs of Students studying in Portsmouth?
Freshers Fayre
The Community Engagement Team spent two days at the University of Portsmouth’s Freshers Fayre event held last week (Wednesday 21/09/2011 and Thursday 22/09/2011). This event always involves hundreds of students and is always a good opportunity to promote the Local Involvement Network. It has to be said that getting students interested in Health and Social Care during one of the most exhilarating points in their life can be difficult. Despite this, many students were interested in the LINk and took away contact details with a keen interest to become involved. An idea was hit upon that a student might be interested in contributing an article to the LINk Blog which put forward a “Student’s View” about Health and Social Care interests. This formed the basis of an engagement approach and attracted a fair number of promises. One Student, Lucia Pescatore, took the offer very seriously, and has produced a short and very relevant article putting across her view of the way a Student might regard Health and Social Care when embarking upon a university degree with all the dramatic changes in circumstances that is demanded by such a commitment. This article is reproduced as a separate Blog Article (view article by Lucia Pescatore).
Saturday, 24 September 2011
Your Chance to Influence End of Life Care at QAH
Friday, 23 September 2011
LINk Survey
With all the changes that are occurring in the NHS and other health & social care services at the moment it is even more important that your opinion and voice is heard!
We want to give you the opportunity to continue to have your say on the future of the health & social care services in Portsmouth.
We also wish to continue to include as many people as possible in the work of the LINk as it develops into Local Healthwatch and so we have created a brief survey and invite you to take part.
LINk members should have received the survey via email by now, so please complete the survey as soon as you can and tell us what you think!
If you have not received the LINk survey, or are not a LINk member but want to get involved, please contact Steven Taylor of the Communities Engagement Team at
Monday, 19 September 2011
LINk Work Plan prioritisation continues
The “weighting system” which is being used to prioritise the issues the Portsmouth LINk is working on was discussed at the Steering Group Meeting held on the 14/09/2011. Due to the combination of a very full agenda (reducing the time the LINk needed to discuss the system) and the detailed nature of the system itself (which demanded a high degree of concentration from everyone) the Steering Group decided to postpone working through the system until the next Development & Investigation Sub-Group Meeting (scheduled for Tuesday 27/09/2011). The Chair of the Development & Investigation Sub-Group requested that the Agenda for this meeting is re-issued with new timings placing the weighting system as the first item on the agenda and allocating up to two hours for completion.