This is a very important issue on which patients and the public now have an opportunity to influence the way the Queen Alexandra Hospital looks after people who die while in their care. Please give us your comments. The Portsmouth LINk has two members on panels who are reviewing this topic over the next weeks and months. Other groups involved are the Portsmouth Pensioners, Faith Groups, Carers Together, the Hampshire LINk, a Cancer Patient Representative, the Rowans Hospice and a Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust Governor. All of these people are truly independent and many have first hand knowledge of End of Life Care. But we need your views.
Please help us make sure this is done right!
I have a friend who lost his father to Cancer over a year ago and is very bitter because he is still waiting for the promised call from Macmillan.He is now back at Q.A visiting his mother who now has Cancer and feels very unsupported by Macmillan. I was very surprised to hear this as usually Macmillan have such a good reputation.