Thursday, 1 September 2011

PHT Board Meeting in Public

As Chair of the Portsmouth LINk Steering Group, I attended the PHT Board Meeting in Public at QAH today. This is always a good opportunity to hear what the top decision-makers running our Acute Hospital are doing and discussing. There is also an agenda item towards the end of the meeting for members of the public to ask questions. This is an opportunity once a month for LINk matters to be brought directly to the Board's attention.
The meeting agenda and minutes of the last meeting are available through the PHT website.
Today, I raised three LINk issues in response to discussion by Board members.

Car Parking. I stated that the LINk is in the process of developing a short policy document that will describe what the LINk feels should be the case for parking at NHS sites and that this would be before the Steering Group at the meeting on 14 September. Although most people tell us that they want parking in such places to be free of charge, we recognise that this is unlikely to happen any time soon because it would require a national movement for such a big change to happen. However, there are some fundamental principles that should operate in NHS Car parks that make it simple and fair to park there. Once agreed, this paper will be sent to all NHS authorities and will be available on this blog.

Appointment Cancellations. Following discussions with the CEO about patient letters and a increase in rescheduled appointments, the LINk met with a team of PHT managers who are working to improve the way the Hospital talks to the public, both when writing and when answering telephone calls. Our group was heartened to hear that changes are in the pipeline that will:

  • Simplify patient letters,
  • Make them more personal,
  • Reduce the number of appointments that have to change,
  • Eliminate the need for telephone answering machines, and
  • Improve telephone communications with patients and carers generally.
We hope that patients will begin to see these improvements happening from this month forward.

Vascular Surgery at QAH. I told Board members that the LINk hoped to be visited by a representative from the Strategic Health Authority (SHA) at the Steering Group Meeting on 14 September to hear about the changes to acute services proposed for our area, including the potential removal of vascular surgeons from QAH to Southampton. As LINk Chair, I asked that we Should also hear clinical opinion from PHT staff so that the LINk will have a balanced view before commenting formally to the SHA. We have already stated our initial objections to the proposal in a letter to the SHA dated 6 May 2011.


  1. A recent Which magazine survey showed that parking at NHS Hospital sites is a national problem. We need to lobby M.P.'S about this!!
    With regard to Patient Letters it was pointed out to us that some e.g. Choose and Book are national templates and cannot be changed.

  2. I think the parking situation at hospitals is exploiting people

  3. Terry is right about some letters being designed by a central authority (the DoH?) but we can lobby them. We were also told that Choose & Book should be done by our GPs in our presence during appointments. So, ask your GP to do it!
