Tuesday, 20 December 2011
Childrens' Dental Health Project
At the time of writing this Blog Article 11 members of the 14 strong Steering Group thought that a project was worthwhile.
As a background, Portsmouth has some of the worst oral health nationally and the city’s children have some of the highest number of decayed and missing teeth. An index measuring oral health in terms of the average number of decayed, missing and filled teeth (DMFT) produces a national average in England of 1.45. The index for Portsmouth is 1.78.
At the Health Overview and Scrutiny Panel meeting of the 13 Sep 2011 the committee recommended a 2 year breathing space before the issue of fluoridation of water supplies is once again debated. Therefore the LINk will try to discover through a commissioned research programme, what is currently undertaken by way of education concerning the care of childrens' teeth in the City.
Transfer of Care
These are just a small number of the initiatives which attempt to grapple with this complex and weighty problem.
The LINk has now decided to commission dedicated research into this area and is preparing for this undertaking by reviewing documentation and hearsay evidence gleaned at public meetings and the all important project scope.
If you have information which you would like to contribute to this project please email the LINk Support Officer (see “Contact Us” Page of the Blog).
Vascular Surgery Services
While consultation was inevitable throughout the recent debates the context has recently changed firstly by the endorsement of the “Brighton option” by the West Sussex Health Overview and Scrutiny Panel and the West Sussex LINk, and secondly, by the development of proposals from Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust to create a vascular centre in Portsmouth capable of serving the population of Portsmouth, South East Hampshire and a small number of patients from Chichester.
As both engagement and consultation is of central importance to Local Involvement Networks this important consultation will play a part in the work of the LINk during the early months of 2012.
Wednesday, 14 December 2011
LINk AGM / Question Time Event

The Portsmouth LINk held an AGM and Question Time event on the evening of Thursday 24th November at the John Pounds Centre, Portsea. Terry Carter, currently Acting Chair of the Steering Group, chaired the AGM and also acted as “question master” during the question time event.
All who attended felt that the AGM was well conducted with the adoption of the 2011 Chair’s Annual Report, The Financial Reports and the Minutes of the 2010 AGM. The Chair explained that the recently planned elections had not taken place due to there being an insufficient number of candidates. The LINk members who were present agreed, by a substantial majority, that the present Steering Group should meet to discuss the way forward, in the light of the LINk's Terms of Reference, and that they should then report back to the membership.
The Chair proposed a vote of thanks to the former LINk Chair, who had resigned and it was further agreed that a letter of thanks should be sent expressing the thanks of everyone, for the dedicated service that he had rendered. A vote of thanks was also proposed to the retiring Vice Chair and it was also agreed that a letter of thanks should be sent to her. Both of these proposals were carried unanimously.
Vascular Surgery was billed as the theme of the question time event and while this issue was raised it appeared that the audience also wanted to know about other subjects such as “appointments”, “wheelchair services”, “funding” and “end of life care” (to name a few).
Monday, 14 November 2011
LINk AGM / Question Time Event
Please click here to view a Letter providing an update about the Annual General Meeting process and arrangements for the forthcoming health and social care public meeting to be held on the 24th November at the John Pounds Centre, Portsea.
Friday, 11 November 2011
Elections for Steering Group Membership
St Mary's Community Health Campus
Monday, 31 October 2011
Thursday, 20 October 2011
Help shape health and social care in Portsmouth
With so many changes to health and social care services, it’s even more important that your views are heard.
You can have a say on the future of these services by getting involved in the Portsmouth LINk.
The LINk acts on behalf of patients and residents to help make sure health and social care services in the city are the best they can be.
In November Portsmouth LINk is holding an election for a new steering group, which will tackle key health and social care issues in the city and represent users. The results of the election will be announced at a public meeting starting at 6pm on 24 November at the John Pounds Centre, Portsea.
This event will also give an update on LINk’s work and will include a ‘question time’ panel.
If you’d like to become a LINk member, stand for the election or take part in the meeting, contact victor.vine@portsmouthcc.gov.uk or call 023 9284 1388.
The LINk will soon become part of a new watchdog organisation, Healthwatch. If you wish to be included in the work of the LINk as it develops into Healthwatch, please complete our quick survey:
Thursday, 13 October 2011
Elections for Steering Group Membership
The Portsmouth Local Involvement Network (LINk) will shortly be holding elections for Steering Group Membership.
If you are interested in standing for election please submit a short candidate statement.
Your candidate statement can either be a short written article (up to 500 words) or it can be a video or audio file.
All candidate statements will be published on the Portsmouth LINk Blog.
If you require any support in producing your candidate statement contact the LINk Support Officer, Victor Vine (please see the “contact us” page of this Blog).
If you would also like to stand for election as Chair or Vice Chair of the Steering Group (or one of the Sub-Groups) please include this information with your candidate statement. You can do this by simply stating, for example, “I am also interested in standing for the post of Chair of the Steering Group”.
The Portsmouth LINk invites both nominations and self nominations for these posts.
Tuesday, 4 October 2011
Health and Social Care at University
Health and social care is important for everyone; and in particular for university students. Such a diverse range of people requires careful attention to ensure that every individual feels that their needs are met. But is this the case?
When we first started university last year, never having been to Portsmouth before, we were pleasantly surprised by the range of services that the university provides and their close proximity to both halls of residence and the main campus buildings. From the doctor’s surgery and dentist to the chaplaincy service, we felt welcomed by the university and that they cared about the individual as an asset. The university provides health and social care support that make us feel that we are more valuable than mere students, they send a positive message that they care about us as future investments by providing support services to ensure the welfare and wellbeing of every single student.
Saying that however, we feel that despite the good range of health and social care sessions, from drug awareness to sexual health advice, some improvements need to be made. We feel that these sessions are not advertised enough, ask any student and they will not be able to tell you when or where the sessions are run. Further, many will feel too embarrassed or intimidated to go, despite some positive promotion by the university. Arguably many students feel uncomfortable discussing these sensitive issues with anyone, and this is exacerbated by staff that seem to be unconcerned and when the first blunt question is about Chlamydia!
On the other hand, some services such as the chaplaincy have proven themselves to be a god’s send (excuse the pun!). It is of great comfort to know that these services are there for you whenever you need them, and that the support they provide is confident and will be provided with genuine care towards your wellbeing as an individual. Although the doctor’s could be improved to have a link up with the local surgeries and the registration process seems needlessly long, they are quick to give out appointments at times that suit you.
Thursday, 29 September 2011
What are the Health and Social Care needs of Students studying in Portsmouth?
Freshers Fayre
The Community Engagement Team spent two days at the University of Portsmouth’s Freshers Fayre event held last week (Wednesday 21/09/2011 and Thursday 22/09/2011). This event always involves hundreds of students and is always a good opportunity to promote the Local Involvement Network. It has to be said that getting students interested in Health and Social Care during one of the most exhilarating points in their life can be difficult. Despite this, many students were interested in the LINk and took away contact details with a keen interest to become involved. An idea was hit upon that a student might be interested in contributing an article to the LINk Blog which put forward a “Student’s View” about Health and Social Care interests. This formed the basis of an engagement approach and attracted a fair number of promises. One Student, Lucia Pescatore, took the offer very seriously, and has produced a short and very relevant article putting across her view of the way a Student might regard Health and Social Care when embarking upon a university degree with all the dramatic changes in circumstances that is demanded by such a commitment. This article is reproduced as a separate Blog Article (view article by Lucia Pescatore).
Saturday, 24 September 2011
Your Chance to Influence End of Life Care at QAH
Friday, 23 September 2011
LINk Survey
With all the changes that are occurring in the NHS and other health & social care services at the moment it is even more important that your opinion and voice is heard!
We want to give you the opportunity to continue to have your say on the future of the health & social care services in Portsmouth.
We also wish to continue to include as many people as possible in the work of the LINk as it develops into Local Healthwatch and so we have created a brief survey and invite you to take part.
LINk members should have received the survey via email by now, so please complete the survey as soon as you can and tell us what you think!
If you have not received the LINk survey, or are not a LINk member but want to get involved, please contact Steven Taylor of the Communities Engagement Team at steven.taylor@portsmouthcc.gov.uk.
Monday, 19 September 2011
LINk Work Plan prioritisation continues
The “weighting system” which is being used to prioritise the issues the Portsmouth LINk is working on was discussed at the Steering Group Meeting held on the 14/09/2011. Due to the combination of a very full agenda (reducing the time the LINk needed to discuss the system) and the detailed nature of the system itself (which demanded a high degree of concentration from everyone) the Steering Group decided to postpone working through the system until the next Development & Investigation Sub-Group Meeting (scheduled for Tuesday 27/09/2011). The Chair of the Development & Investigation Sub-Group requested that the Agenda for this meeting is re-issued with new timings placing the weighting system as the first item on the agenda and allocating up to two hours for completion.

Friday, 9 September 2011
2 more issues to consider on LINk Work Plan
Portsea Action Group expresses concern over proposals for Vascular Surgery Services
Monday, 5 September 2011
End of Life Care
Agreeing the priorities of the Portsmouth LINk
Friday, 2 September 2011
Three options for Vascular Surgery
Thursday, 1 September 2011
DoH Consultation Document - Local Healthwatch Funding
PHT Board Meeting in Public
Friday, 26 August 2011
Solent NHS Trust is looking for members like you…
Monday, 22 August 2011
Leaving Hospital After Treatment
HealthWatch Funding
Monday, 15 August 2011
Statement from the Chair of Portsmouth LINk
J McLees
Chair, Portsmouth LINk Steering Group
Tuesday, 9 August 2011
SHIP HealthWatch Pathfinder Announced
Southampton, Hampshire, the Isle of Wight and Portsmouth Councils are committed to supporting the development of local HealthWatch and recently applied to the Department of Health to jointly establish a local pathfinder project to help with preparations for the new consumer watchdog for health & social care.
The aim of the pathfinder is to collectively explore a range of issues raised during the national consultation exercise, consider value for money and to give patients, service users and the public a stronger voice.
Every local authority across Hampshire and the Isle of Wight is committed to this collaborative approach and we look forward to taking part in the HealthWatch national pathfinder programme, in order to share our learning and identify good practice.
For more information check out the Department of Health website